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Best Books to Crack GATE 2023

In India, GATE is one of the most coveted exams, and millions of students look forward to it each year. If you are preparing for GATE 2023, refer to these books.
GATE Books for Computer Science Engineering
1.Architecture: Hamacher
2. Algorithm: Cormen
3. Operating System: Galvin
4. TOC -Theory of Computation: Ullman
GATE Books for Chemical Engineering
1. An Insight into Chemical Engineering: M. Subbu
2. Heat Transfer: JP Holman
3. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: JM Smith
4. Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes: BK Dutta

GATE Books for Agricultural Engineering
1. Concept of Agricultural Engineering: Mohanty Das
2. Soil & Water Conservation: VVN Murty
3. Irrigation: A M Michael 
4. Fundamentals Of Food Engineering: D. G Rao
5. Irrigation Engineering: N. N. Basak

GATE Books for Electrical Engineering
1. Electrical machines: Nagrath, Kothari
2. Power Electronics: P S Bhimbhra
3. Engineering Mathematics: E. Kreyszig
4. Control Systems: Nagrath and Gopal
5. Fundamentals of circuits: Alexander, Sadiku
6. Signals and Systems: Oppenheim and Wilsky

GATE Books for Mechanical Engineering
1. Fluid Mechanics: R.K. Bansal, Frank M.White
2. Production Engineering: Swadesh Singh
3. Thermodynamics: P.K.Nag
4. Heat Transfer: Cengel
5. Theory of Machine (TOM): R.S Khurmi
6. Strength of Materials: S.S.S.S. Ratan

GATE Books for Civil Engineering
1. Highway engineering: Khanna and Justo
2. Environment 1 and 2: S K Garg
3. Steel: Bhavikati
4. Fluid mechanics: R K Bansal
5. RCC: Pillai and Menon
6. Open channel flow and engineering hydrology: K Subramanya
GATE Books for Civil Engineering
1. Thermodynamics: P.K.P.K. Nag
2. Production: S K Mondal Notes
3. Machine Design: VB Bhandari
4. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery: Modi & Seth
5. Refrigeration: Made Easy Class Notes
6. Strength of Material: Sadhu Singh
7. Theory of Machine: S.S. Ratan
GATE Books for Electronics and Communication Engineering
1. Network Analysis: Van Valken Burg
2. Network Analysis: Soni and Gupta
3. Circuit Theory: Chakravarthy
4. Electric Circuits: Schaum's Series
5. Microelectronic Circuits: Sedra and Smith

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