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How do you introduce yourself in a student visa interview?

When introducing yourself in a student visa interview, it's important to be clear and concise. Here are some steps to follow…
Greet the interviewer
Start by greeting the interviewer politely, such as "Good morning" or "Good afternoon", as applicable.
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State your name and purpose
Introduce yourself by stating your name and the purpose of your visit. For example, "My name is [Name], and I am here to apply for a student visa."
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Briefly explain why you chose to study in the country you are applying to. This can help demonstrate your motivation and commitment to your studies.
Give context
Share your background
Mention your educational background, including your previous degrees or qualifications. You can also talk about your work experience or other relevant skills that make you a strong candidate for your chosen program.
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Highlight your future plans
Introduce yourself by stating your name and the purpose of your visit. For example, "My name is [Name], and I am here to apply for a student visa."
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