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How to Crack CAT 2023: Strategies from Toppers

The CAT exam normally depends on your personal strategy as every student has their own set of skills and capabilities. Some are quick learners while others take time to understand the concept. So, what should be the approach?
Tips on How to Prepare for CAT 2022

If you are planning to appear for CAT 2022, here is the preparation strategy by toppers of previous years.
Chirag Gupta,
Got 100 percentile
I focused on identifying certain types of sets and getting familiarized with them and took 50-60 CAT mock tests, as it is the most important aspect of CAT preparation.
Bir Anmol Singh,
Got 99.94 percentile
Solved Arun Sharma CAT books for VARC, LR, DI and Quant, read The Hindu and Mint. Attempted past year CAT questions papers without using a calculator.
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