If you are planning to pursue MTech without GATE exam, you can opt for various ways as there are various esteemed institutions that employ different approaches to take candidates for MTech.
If you want to take admission in top colleges to pursue an MTech course then you need to take GATE exam but there are a few private institutes and universities that offer direct admission.
Is the entrance exam compulsory for MTech?
You cannot get admission in foreign countries through a GATE score. Most of the foreign universities offer admissions to the students by considering GRE and IELTS score.
Is GATE compulsory for MTech abroad?
Ways to do MTech Without GATE
Some institutions have their own entry-level examinations for candidates to get admission in MTech courses without GATE.
Take Specific institute MTech Exams
To get direct admission in MTech without GATE, you need to fulfill certain eligibility criteria of the course as per the university.
Direct Admission in MTech
Part-time or Online MTech
You can consider part-time or online MTech degrees which do not require a GATE score.
Banaras Hindu University
Aligarh Muslim University
University of Delhi
Jamia Millia Islamia
Tezpur University
Colleges Offering Direct Admissions in MTech without GATE
If you plan to study abroad and click below to know more about universities waiving Off GRE and GMAT!