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Tips for securing a top scholarship for study abroad.

Don't let the cost of studying abroad worry you. There are literally thousands of grants and scholarships available for study abroad, all waiting for you to apply!
Do your Research
You will receive more financial aid if you apply for more scholarships.
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Apply early
Apply for study abroad scholarships as quickly and thoroughly as you can.
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Submit an error-free application
Always double-check the information you've provided on the forms is a smart idea.
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Submit an error-free application
Always double-check the information you've provided on the forms is a smart idea.
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Perform well in tests and academics
Scholarships are awarded only to meritorious students, so academic performance plays a major role in your chances of getting one.
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Show leadership skills
Participating actively in community service is thus a fantastic method to dramatically raise your chances of being awarded a scholarship.
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Participating actively in community service is thus a fantastic method to dramatically raise your chances of being awarded a scholarship.
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