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8 Elementary Apps you must download to travel to the UK

These days, mobile apps have made the life of immigrant's way easier, so let's take a look at eight best apps you must download before coming to the UK.
The Citymapper app removes the need to study maps and public transport timetables for hours.
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It is an on-demand one-stop healthcare mobile app that can connect you with doctors.
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This app is best if you want to send your money back to your home country.
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This mobile app is a great way to search for a place to live, or people to live with.
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Uber is the best on-demand travel app if you want to travel to a different location.
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Monzo app is the smart way to take control of your personal finances.
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It is a food delivery app without needing to book a delivery slot day in advance. You will get your order in a few minutes after ordering.
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Using the Trainline app you can plan your trip, track real-time train status, compare ticket types and prices and buy
e-tickets through the app.
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Are you planning to study in the UK? Click below:
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