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Best Countries for studying Engineering

Getting an engineering degree will not only help you realize your dream career, but also prepare you to bring innovative ideas to your field.
Best Countries for Engineering Courses
• United States of America
• United Kingdom
• Australia
• Germany
• New Zealand
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Top-ranked universities in the USA for Engineering
• Massachusetts Institute of   
• Stanford University
• California Institute of Technology, 
• Princeton University
• University of California
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• University of East Anglia
• University of Plymouth
• University of Essex
• University of Bath
• Brunel University
Top-ranked universities in the UK for Engineering
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Top-ranked universities in Australia for Engineering
• Australian National University
• Monash University
• The University of Melbourne
• McGill University
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Top-ranked universities in Germany for Engineering
• Technical University of Munich
• RWTH Aachen University
• Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
• Technical University of Berlin
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• University of Canterbury
• Victoria University of Wellington
• University of Otago
• University of Waikato
Top-ranked universities in New Zealand for Engineering
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