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Difference between a Bachelor’s and Associate degrees

Apart from traditional degrees like bachelor's, master's, and PhD, associate degrees are also available in the US or Canada.
Bachelor's degree - Bachelor's degree is a four-year full-time course Associate degree -
the associate degree is a two-year full-time course
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Bachelor's degree -
The cost is generally two to three times higher than the associate degree
Associate degree -
Tuition fees are generally lower than the bachelor’s degree.
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Bachelor's degree -
It’s a full-time degree with no part-time option Associate degree -
It can also be a part-time course with longer duration.
Part-time option
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Bachelor’s Degree -
Earning a bachelor’s degree will typically open a greater number of career opportunities.
Associate Degree -
While an associate's degree can be sufficient for a position at the entry-level.
Career Opportunities
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