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F1 Student Visa Interview Tips

Many students have an ambition of attending one of the top universities in the United States but get disheartened due to an interview. For a smooth visa interview check out the tips!!
Commonly Asked Interview Questions
• Why did you choose this university? 
• What can you say about your old
• Are you getting financial help or a
  scholarship for your interview?
• What do your parents do?
• Why won’t you do the same course in
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Tips to Crack Your Student Visa Interview
• Maintain a positive attitude
• Never sound like a potential immigrant
• Explain how your program matches
   for your career plans
• Provide necessary financial documents
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Tips to Crack Your Student Visa Interview
• Keep required documentation handy
• Keep your answers short and to the
• Be calm and confident
• Be well prepared
• Create a good impression
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What criteria could potentially lead to a denial of an F1 visa request?
• Lack of financial proof
• False documents
• Inability to convince the visa officer
   your intention to study abroad
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What steps can you take to improve the likelihood of being granted a visa?
Increase your chance of providing genuine paperwork, having sound financial support and conveying genuine intention.
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Planning to study in the US!
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