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H-1B visas have reached the limit for 2023 in the US

The Immigration Services Department of the US government said on August 23 that the US had received enough applications to meet the 65,000 H1-B visa caps for fiscal year 2023.
Foreign workers with specialized knowledge can be employed by American companies using the H-1B visa (non-immigrant visa).
What is an H-1B visa?
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How many H-1B visas are issued by the US every year?
The United States is limited to issuing 65,000 H-1B regular visas and 20,000 H-1B visas for people with a U. S. graduate degree.
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Beginning in Spring 2023, employers can re-register foreign workers who were not selected for an H-1B visa for FY 2024.
When will the H1B visa application start for the year 2024?
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