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How can I get a work permit in Italy?

Non-EU citizens need to obtain a work visa and permit if they want to live and work in Italy.
What is the Decreto Flussi?
The Italian immigration office give a permit, or nulla osta, to hire a foreign worker in Italy.
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Information required to process work permit
• Copy of passport or ID 
• Proof of your accommodation in
• Residence contract* in Italian.
• Proof of sufficient means to
   return home.
• Future employment status.
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How to apply for a work visa in Italy?
• Fill Italian visa application form
• Recent passport-size photo
• valid passport or ID
• Work permit (nulla osta) from the SUI
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How much does an Italian work visa cost?
The work visa in Italy costs 116 EUR (140 USD). The fee is paid in the country where the application is made.
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