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Salary of US Doctors in 2022

You want to know how to make an intelligent choice about which specialisation to focus on based on salary? We've listed the average doctor’s compensation by specialty and state.
As per Glassdoor, the national average doctor salary in the US in 2022 will be USD 183,429, which means the average yearly salary in rupees will be around 1.4 million.
What is the average salary of a medical professional in the US?
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- Advanced Practice Provider: 128,000
- Allergist: 187,000
- Cardiology Specialist: 430,000
- Chiropractor: 115,000
- Clinical Psychologist: 292,000
Salary of US doctors as per the specific job types
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- Internal Medicine: 267,000
- Neurology Specialist: 359,000
- Orthopedics: 482,000
- Pediatric Specialist: 238,000
- Plastic Surgery: 471,000
- Psychiatry Specialist: 255,000
- Radiologist: 419,000
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- Counselling Psychologist:   224,000
- Dermatologist: 291,000
- Diabetes and Endocrinology:     236,000
- Family medicine: 231,000
- Gastroenterology specialist: 239,000
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Salary of US Doctors by States
• Oklahoma:337,000
• Alabama: 330,000
• Nevada: 329,000
• Arkansas: 326,000
• Florida: 325,000

• Kentucky: 324,000   
• Tennessee: 323,000   
• Connecticut: 323,000
• Georgia: 322,000
• Indiana: 322,000
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