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SOP for Canada

A statement of purpose is a document that students are required to submit when applying to universities abroad.
In SOPs, students highlight their academic and professional achievements, career goals, reasons for choosing the particular program, and other factors that led them to apply.
Highlights of SOP
Statement of purpose is a mandatory document that is a 1000-1500 word 2 page essay with 6 to 7 sections.
SOP Word limit for Canada
1. Engaging intro
2. Academic Qualification
 3. Why this specific course?
 4. Why this specific institution? 5. Short and/or long-term career goals
How to write an SOP for Canada?
1. Academic scores
2.  Work experience
 3. Skills
 4. Community Culture & Volunteering
Characteristics SOP should include
1. Write in an organized manner
2. Try to be unique
3.Avoid grammatical errors
4.Use a Formal But Conversational Tone
5. Customize Your Essay
Strategies to Write a Powerful Statement of Purpose
To know more about Statement of Purpose and studying abroad, click the link below
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