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Stay Back in France after Masters – Options Available

There are many reasons why students stay back in France, including the job security, opportunities, and quality of life.
France stay back option
After completing short-term courses in France, international students cannot stay in France. After completing the course, the student must leave the country. Later, they can apply for a separate work permit.
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Student visas can be obtained in France if a student is employed. Students must apply for a work permit for both bachelor's and master's programs.
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Once you have completed your master's degree, you can apply for and receive a 24-month temporary residence permit.

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Work permit after study in France
After completing short-term courses of 6 months or less, students cannot stay in France. After obtaining a new work permit, they can return to the country.
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International students can apply for the VLT-TS visa if they have finished their Master's from France within the last two years and are looking for employment.
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