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Top Colleges & Universities to study Dental Hygienist Course In Canada

There are various dental hygiene jobs available in Canada. Canadian universities provide some of the finest dental health programs in the world, comparable to those in the United States.
• St. Clair College
• Dalhousie University
• University Of Manitoba
• University of Alberta
• Toronto College Of Dental
  Hygiene & Auxiliaries
• Vancouver Island University
Top colleges/universities for Dental Hygienist Course
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What are the career prospects for a dental hygienist in Canada?
Health promotion
Health education
Private practice in dental clinics Mobile dental hygiene
Clinical dental hygiene
Dental health policy advisory
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What is the English language requirement for this course?
TOEFL: Minimum score of 580 IELTS: Minimum score of 6.5 MELAB: Minimum score of 81 CAEL: Minimum score of 70
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• Ontario Secondary School
   Diploma or equivalent
• Diploma in Dental Hygiene 
• Certificate from National   
   Dental Hygiene   
   Certification Board
What are the eligibility requirements for this course?
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  • Licensure to practice Dental Hygiene in Canada
  • Dental Aptitude Test
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