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Who is eligible for 2 years PSW in the UK?

The UK, despite having one of the highest living costs in the world, has one of the highest employment rates and offers a diverse, multicultural environment in which to live. This is why international students look for PSW UK.
Types of Post Study Work Visa in UK
- Skilled worker visa
- International sportsperson visa
- Senior/specialist worker visa
- Health and care work visa
- Minister of religion visa
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How long does it take for the post graduate visa to be approved?
It normally takes 8 weeks to get it approved.
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What happens after 2 years of post work visa UK?
After obtaining a PSW visa UK, you may work in the country for 2 years and then attempt to get a general work visa.
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Eligibility Criteria to Apply for a PSW Visa
- Apply from UK
- Must have a Tier 4 (General) student visa
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- Complete undergraduate or postgraduate degree with your student visa.

- Submit the application once your education provider confirms you have completed the program you enrolled in.
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Planning to study in the UK? Check out part-time jobs you can get in UK
UK Part-Time Jobs