



PTE Listening: Syllabus, Score Chart, Duration, Strategies

PTE Listening: Syllabus, Score Chart, Duration, Strategies

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By Prabhadri Suman|Updated On - 2023-07-04 11:58:08

PTE Listening is the final round of the PTE test. Check out PTE listening test format, module, PTE listening score chart, Question types and tips on PTE Listening.

PTE Listening: Syllabus, Score Chart, Duration, Strategies

Topics Covered:

  • PTE Listening Test Format
  • PTE Listening Test Question Types
  • PTE Listening Score Chart
  • Some Tips & Tricks on PTE Listening
  • Conclusion

PTE Listening is the third part of the English test and is a crucial part of the test. Listening is the only skill test, so if candidates cannot score well on this section, they might give up on their dreams of getting a scholarship or studying abroad. This blog will focus on this section of the test and give students everything they need to know about this section.

 PTE Listening Test Format

The Listening section of the PTE Academic exam assesses your ability to understand spoken English. It consists of tasks based on audio or video clips. Here are the tasks included in the Listening section:

  • Summarize Spoken Text: After listening to a recording, you need to write a 50-70 word summary of the content. This task evaluates your listening and writing skills.
  • Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers: After listening to a recording, you need to answer a multiple-choice question by selecting more than one response. This task measures your listening skills.
  • Fill in the Blanks : A transcript of a recording appears on the screen with several gaps, and you need to type the missing word in each gap. This task assesses your listening and writing skills.
  • Highlight Correct Summary : After listening to a recording, you need to select the paragraph that best summarizes the content. This task evaluates your listening and reading skills.
  • Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answe r: After listening to a recording, you need to answer a multiple-choice question by selecting one response. This task measures your listening skills.
  • Select Missing Word: After listening to a recording, you need to select the missing word that completes the content from a list of options. This task assesses your listening skills.
  • Highlight Incorrect Words: While listening to a recording, you need to identify the words in the transcript that differ from what is said. This task evaluates your listening and reading skills.
  • Write from Dictation:  After listening to a sentence recording, you need to type the sentence. This task measures your listening and writing skills.

It is essential to carefully read the instructions on the screen before starting each section of the PTE Academic exam. Manage your time effectively and stay within the specified word limits.

PTE Listening Section (30-43 Minutes) 

Item     Task     Assessment     Time    
Spoken text Need to write a 50-70 word summary after listening to the recording Both Listening and Writing 60-90 seconds
Multiple Choice Questions Answer a multiple-choice question after listening to a recording. Listening 40-90 seconds
Fill in the blanks Type the missing word in each gap on the transcript that appears on the screen with several gaps.  Both Listening and Writing 30-60 seconds
Highlight correct summary Select the paragraph that best summarizes the recording. Both Listening and Reading 30-90 seconds
Multiple Choice. Answer a multiple-choice question  (single answer) on the content. Listening 30-60 seconds
Select missing word Select the missing word that completes the recording. Listening 20-70 seconds
Highlight incorrect words Identify the words in the transcript that differ from what is said Both Listening and Reading 15-50 seconds
Write from dictation Type the sentence after listening Both Listening and Writing 3-5 seconds

 PTE Listening Test Question Types 

All above table summarizes all the tasks that require in PTE listening module. PTE listening test questions include summarize spoken test, multiple type question fill in the blanks, highlight correct summary, select missing words, incorrect words,  and write from directions.       

  • Summarize Spoken Test   

It is a thorough summation of an audio clip that needs to be 50-70 words. The clip's length is around 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and the time given to write the summary is 10 minutes. There cannot be grammatical or spelling mistakes, and do not miss important details and supporting points discussed in the clip. The summary must be as direct and concise as possible and without grammar or spelling mistakes. The score for this item depends on the correctness of content, grammar, words counted, spelling, and use of vocabulary.

  • Multiple-type Questions   

These questions have to be answered by choosing one or more than one correct answer from the given options. It requires listening to audio clips of about 40 to 90 seconds, which play automatically and cannot be replayed. Questions are posed either about the content or tone of the clips.

  • Fill in the blanks   

These questions need you to listen to an audio clip and tally it with the transcripts onscreen. There are gaps in the transcript, and the student needs to fill in those blanks with correct words mentioned in the audio clip, which could be of 30 to 60 seconds. 

  • Highlight Correct Summary   

You will listen to a brief audio clip and select the most appropriate text option from four that appears on the screen. The prompts can be different in size but usually range between 30-90 seconds. While listening, you can take notes.

  • Select Missing Words   

Parts of the audio prompt are replaced by a ''beep'', meaning you have to listen closely and select the correct word or phrase from multiple options. The chosen words should be grammatically correct and contextual. The length of test prompts could be between 20 to 70 seconds.

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  • Highlight Incorrect Words   

This test is similar to the Fill in the blanks items; however, you need to identify the incorrect words instead of filling in the correct words. 

  • Write from Dictation   

In this section, students need to listen to short audio clips and write them precisely on the same text book. The length of these audio clips could be from 3 to 5 seconds, and the vital challenge is to write the correct spelling.  

 PTE Listening Module: Section Overview

The PTE listening test involves the candidate hearing an audio or video recording that commences without warning. Candidates can modify the volume of the audio to a suitable level, yet the audio clips are only played once. The following table will give a comprehensive overview of the PTE listening section.

PTE Listening Module

The table gives an overview of the topics that will be tested within the PTE Listening Section, as well as the number of questions for each topic that will be included in the exam.

PTE Listening Section Question          PTE Question Format            
Summarize spoken text 1 - 2
Multiple choice, multiple answers 1 - 2
Fill in the blanks 2 - 3
Highlight correct summary 1 - 2
Multiple choice, single answer 1 - 2
Select missing word 1 - 2
Highlight incorrect word 2 - 3
Write from Dictation 3 - 4
Total Questions          12 - 20
Time Allocation          30 - 43 minutes

PTE Listening Score Chart

The PTE listening section utilizes two distinct types of scoring schemes: the partial credit system and the correct/incorrect system. Here is a breakdown of the PTE listening score allocation with regards to the various question types:           

Items         Number of Items         Prompt Duration         Scoring Criteria         Skills Required        
Summarize Spoken Test 1-2 60-90 Seconds Partial Credit Listening and Writing
Multiple Choice Choose Multiple Answer PTE 1-2 40-90 Seconds Partial Credit (For each Correct Response. Points will be Deducted for Opting Incorrect Response.) Listening
Fill in the Blanks PTE Listening 2-3 30-60 Seconds Partial Credit (Credits will be Applicable for Each Words Spelled Correctly.) Listening and Writing
Highlight Correct Summary 1-2 30-90 Seconds Correct/Incorrect Listening and Reading
Multiple choice, choose single answer 1-2 30-60 Seconds Correct/Incorrect Listening
Select Missing Word 1-2 30-60 Seconds Correct/Incorrect Listening
Highlight Incorrect Words 2-3 20-70 Seconds Partial Credit (For Each Word. Points will be deducted for incorrect options.) Listening
Write from Dictation 3-4 3-5 Seconds Partial Credit (Credits will be Applicable for Each Words Spelled Correctly.) Listening and Writing

Some Tips & Tricks on PTE Listening

It is advised to implement strategies and measures to boost the PTE score. Here are some strategies that could be beneficial for increasing the score in the PTE listening section:

  • Use the personal notepad to keep important notes.
  • Emphasize on the theme and word repetition.
  • Prior to listening to the audio, summarize the questions.
  • Pay close attention to the audio until it ends since there may be answers there.
  • To prevent receiving a negative marking, avoid guessing.
  • Learn to listen and take notes.
  • To increase vocabulary, practice reading articles every day.
  • Acquired skill with synonyms and antonyms
  • Recognize the audio's message and topic being discussed.
  • Limit your choices by ignoring bad possibilities.
  • Examine each alternative, if possible
  • Practice more PTE listening modules
  • Don't forget to review your responses before submitting them.
  • Work quickly but precisely

PTE listening is the third section of the PTE Exam pattern . The test allows a scheduled 10-minute break after submitting the second part (PTE Reading) of the exam; you should take this time to relax and refresh yourself adequately. Active listening requires a brain that is active and alert.


The PTE Listening section is a critical aspect of the PTE Academic test. If you want to pass the test, you'll need to get a high score on this section. We hope you learned something beneficial from this blog post and that it helps you with your studies as you prepare for the PTE test.

 As always, we encourage you to reach out to our study abroad experts at edmissions.com with any questions or concerns that you may have. You can reach us at [email protected] . We always love hearing from our students. 

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